Hi all,
I will be on holidays for the next week, so may not get the chance to update my blog. However, I will re-post from October 5th.
In the meantime, have fun, play safe and enjoy!
http://one-europe.info/ Europe needs to be united, it is our future and our destiny.
Hi all,
What is it with gay guys? Or is it simply that gay guys tend to be more open about what they want, compared to straight guys?
Before you get all uppity and starting emailing me abuse - read the article title carefully - Straight Guys In Bed Are Better. Notice that it does NOT say they "are better in bed" but rather "in bed are better".
An acquaintance of mine in Sydney loves his porn. He loves it so much that if you ever have the chance of going to his place, you will find one room dedicated to gay porn. Everything from porn videos to porn magazines, from porn postcards to porn posters. Even the lounge suite in the room is covered by material showing guys in different positions having sex, as is the coffee table with its dildo-like candles and the like. One could describe it as porn paradise.
Have you noticed something strange happening over the last few years in Europe? Or is it my overactive imagination taking control again? It seems like the ancient gods of Mt Olympus have returned home and are smiling on their beloved people one more time.
It is a well documented fact that the vast majority of people today are living below the poverty line. In most countries, people do not have access to health, education or even a decent meal. Don't take my word for it, just read your local newspaper, check out the various websites on the internet or simply call any one of those charity organisations that are seeking 'sponsors' for children.
This must be the strangest title for an article I have ever written or come across, unless you are into science or mathematics. So before I go into the article, let me explain what F=P+P actually means. It means Future equals your Present And Past. Nice, simple, easy.
Over the weekend, I had some of my younger friends over for dinner and drinks - something that I used to do on a regular basis. The dinner table discussion was interesting to say the least, but once the subject got onto sex, I realised how stupid some people can be.
Everyone has a secret fantasy whether we are willing to tell others or keep it as a secret.
One of the most common problems in relationships is the inability of a lot of people to satisfy their partners. The other main problem is the lack of communication, whether through the anticipation of being seen as a deviant or through fear, also limits people from full on experimentation.
Each and every one of us has our own beliefs, perceptions and requirements in life. What we look for either in another person or in achieving in life varies from person to person. And yet, sometimes what we seek is staring us straight in the face, so to speak, and don’t realise it.
Imagine humanity's first contact with an alien race somewhere in space, sometime in the future. The conversation might go something like this:
The issue of whether gay and lesbian couples should be allowed to marry, has been in the headlines both here in Australia and overseas, for the last 4 to 5 years.
In our search for equality with the rest of the community, we are pushing for not only the right to marry, but also equality in other areas including superannuation, health and more. Yet one area which has not been covered is the area of marriage and the after effects, should we ever get to the point of being allowed to marry and be recognised as a married couple.
Like the heterosexual community, marriage allows us to show the rest of the world that we are committed to each other and our love is such, that we want to spend the rest of our lives with our partner. Whether "the rest of our lives" actually eventuates, is another issue. I don't intend throwing a "spanner in the works", but has anyone really looked at the whole issue of marriage from a realistic perspective?
Our community is not known for having long term relationships. Sure, there are couples who have been together for 5, 10 even 20 years, but these are not the norm. Most gay and lesbian couples survive, on average, between 18 months and 3 years.
So let's draw an assumption that we are allowed to legally marry our partner. Walking down the aisle is not a cheap exercise, and like heterosexual couples, we expect our relationship to last "till death do us part". However, if the marriage does not last - for whatever reason - we simply can't pack our bags, move out and then move on with our own lives.
With marriage comes the other legal aspects. Things like taxation issues, assets, liabilities, superannuation, health etc. And above all else comes that extra issue we don't face at the present moment - divorce.
It is bad enough dealing with a broken relationship and dealing with the separation of joint assets at present. Yet if marriage for us does become reality, we then have to face the added hurdles of the divorce factor. In some states and countries, divorce is not an easy process nor is it cheap. Counselling sessions, lawyers, courts and more, become involved in the process of obtaining that valuable piece of paper which says you are single again.
If the breakup of the marriage is an amicable one, then the divorce process is easier for the couple concerned. However, if the separation is not amicable, then the divorce process can be a very long drawn out process and a messy one, to say the least.
Further, in addition to the divorce issue, there are the other legal issues. Governments will need not only rewrite the laws regarding marriage to allow Gay and Lesbian marriages to be legal; they will also need to rewrite the tax laws, divorce laws, superannuation laws and more to simply cater for the fact that marriage is no longer a man-and-female issue. The whole legal process for bringing gay and lesbian marriages into fruition will be a long drawn out process.
So the questions we really need to ask ourselves is that, do we really want to have the right to marry? Is that piece of paper which says "married" really that important to us? Can we not achieve the same outcome but from another angle?
Personally, I think the whole marriage issue is not going to be resolved in the near future. Not because it is too big a hurdle to overcome, but it is creating a polarity within the general community between the right wing / religious groups and those supporting the gay/lesbian marriage cause, which will cause the whole situation bounce between the legal system and society as a whole.
We need to focus on being recognised as gay and lesbian couples without drawing into the equation the issue of "marriage". We need to focus on equality as a whole, and once we have been recognised as "equals" in the tax, health etc systems, then marriage would evolve as a natural progression. It will also give time for the general community to come to terms with the whole issue of "gay and lesbian" marriages.
Its like the horse and cart scenario ... lets not try to get the cart to drag the horse, but vice versa.
Last week I did something I thought I would never do. I quit the chatrooms, not because I met someone nor that I was bored with them. To the contrary - I enjoyed going in and chatting to the regulars. Some were - and still are - reallife friends, whilst others were net-friends.
This latest research confirms previous scientific reports that homosexuality is actually a natural rather than an "acquired" trait in humanity. One is not gay because one chooses to be one, but rather is born with it. If "it" is a correct term.
The interesting thing about this latest research is the potential consequences it can have, especially if future research continues to confirm these findings. From our [gay community] perspective, it confirms what we have always believed - that we are born this way, and that no amount of medical or psychological "altering" can make us straight.
As more and more research is done, I can see in the future, products being launched to specifically cater for the gay man and our "sexual" orientation which are scientifically proven to work. Products such as after shave products which will have chemicals in them aimed at "attracting that elusive guy". Commercialism of this won't be too far off in the future.
However like everything, there is the other side, the negative one.
As more and more research is conducted on homosexuality and its biological origins, the homophobic sections in our community will try to find ways to use science to identify one's sexual orientation or aim at "removing" the homosexual trait completely.
In nations where homosexuality is illegal [e.g. Saudi Arabia, Pakistan etc], the confirmation that homosexuality is biological and identifiable via medical means can lead to mass discrimination and human rights abuse. Even those of us that live in a gay-tolerant society, traveling to these countries will, in the future, be one of risk. Further, within our own countries, anti-gay crusaders, religious zealots, homophobic employers and con-artists will come up with various "medically proven" means of identifying who is gay or not.
And this is where this and previous research papers provide us with a double-edged sword. By confirming that homosexuality is a normal biological human "trait", how do we ensure that we are protected as scientific research into homosexuality advances without allowing the bigots of this world trying to undermine our basic human rights? How far should science go to prove that homosexuality is not an acquired characteristic? And if it is discovered that science can alter these "traits", what legal protections should be put in place to ensure that "human altering" is not used to remove the "gay gene"?
We are in for interesting times ahead.