Saturday, January 14, 2006

Campaign: Parthenon Marbles

In 1811AD, Lord Elgin removed parts of the Parthenon on the Acropolis in Athens, and moved them to the UK.

The aim of this post is to gather as many "signatures" as possible so that the so-called Elgin Marbles be returned to their rightful home.

To help in the campaign, I would appreciate it if you could do the following:

1. Post a comment supporting the return of the Parthenon Marbles back to Greece.

2. Add a link to this specific page on your blog, website, email or any format encouraging people to sign. The link you can use is

The Campaign will be run until October 18th 2006 for two reasons.

Firstly it is the birthday of one of Greece's most famous actresses and politicians - Melina Mercouri - who starred in movies like
Never On A Sunday, A Dream Of Passion, Nasty Habits, The Victors and Stella.

Secondly, because as the Greek Cultural Minister, she led the most vigorous campaign to have the Parthenon Marbles returned.
She is the undying symbol of the international campaign with the Melina Mercouri Foundation being supported by the likes of Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Sir Peter Ustinov, Paul Newman, Sir Sean Connery and Francois Mitterrand, just to name a few. [For more information on the Melina Mercouri Foundation, click here]

How many "signatures" am I hoping for? Well, wishfully thinking, I would hope we could together collect a million during that time. It isn't impossible if we all band together. Once collected, I will forward them on to the Melina Mercuri Foundation for them to use as extra support for the return of the Parthenon Marbles.

So please, if you can post a supporting comment and if possible, add a link to your online sites or on your email's auto signature, it would be greatly appreciated. Please post all your comments here..


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At Sunday, January 15, 2006 9:28:00 am, Blogger hotsirenita said...

I think the Marbles should return in their homeland as soon as possible. They've stayed in London long enough. ;)


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