Friday, September 23, 2005

What is Your Secret Fantasy?

Everyone has a secret fantasy whether we are willing to tell others or keep it as a secret.

At work a couple of weeks ago, we were sitting and having lunch at the corner hotel when someone raised the issue of secret fantasies. I can't remember who it was, but the reaction from most of the others around the table, was as if someone had mentioned a taboo subject. Eventually after much prompting and encouragement, most of us started revealing our secret fantasies, and what fantasies some have!

For the purpose of this article, ALL names are fictitious but the fantasies are real. So sit back and have a chuckle or two.

Gayle is in her late forties married with two teenage children. One of the loveliest people you will ever meet, and to many, she is a "second" mother. Not the slimmest of people I have ever met, she never the less has no issue with her weight. And her secret fantasy? To be a model where dressed in her small bikini outfit, she promotes swim wear for the "chubby" people of this world. What made her fantasy different is that in the billboard posters, she pictures herself sitting down on a "skinny" model with the sign above them both saying "It's not a matter of size, but what is on top". I offered to do the photos if the "skinny" model is a cute male :-)

Mark is in his early thirties with a beautiful two year old son and wife. Listening to him and the way he talks to customers is - to say the least - an experience, and brings a smile to most of us who hear him. Not someone who you would consider as "adventurous", his fantasy shocked most of us. If he had the chance he would bungee jump off the side of a cliff, and when on the rebound up, have the rope cut so that he can then parachute down to earth! Somehow I personal think I will pass on that one!

Raymond is the "clown" of our area, and at only 22 is the youngest in our group. Like most of his generation, cars and girls are his passion, but unlike most of the others, he is - well - different. His fantasy is to be married not only to his girlfriend but have his new sports car as his best "man". Somehow, I think he needs to get his priorities right for somehow I can't see that happening. Mind you, if you ask him how his other half is, you have to specify his girlfriend otherwise he will start talking about his car instead!

Maria at the age of 25 is the most travelled in our group. Having spent nearly two years in the UK and just as many travelling through Europe, she is once again getting itchy feet to move on. Her fantasy was simply to pack her bags one day, sell all her belongings, and spend the rest of her life moving from country to country on a permanent working holiday.

And finally Sandra. At 38 divorced with three children, her fantasy shocked the rest of us including yours truly. We all know men have this fantasy of watching two lesbians having sex and then joining in. Well Sandra's is the reverse for she wants to sit back and watch two gay guys having sex, and then joining in! I nearly fell over backwards with that one for she is the most anti-gay member in our area, and barely tolerates me. If she ever does fulfill her fantasy, I told her I would like to be there to tape it for posterity's sake!

As for my fantasy, well ... I succeeded in avoiding it as it was time to head back to work. Yes, I am a spoil sport but I have my reasons for not telling you. Too many of you would get involved to try and make it come true, so sorry. That's my secret fantasy and will remain a secret for the time being :-)


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