Monday, September 26, 2005

Have The Gods Returned To Mt Olympus?

Have you noticed something strange happening over the last few years in Europe? Or is it my overactive imagination taking control again? It seems like the ancient gods of Mt Olympus have returned home and are smiling on their beloved people one more time.

In ancient times right through to the Middle Ages, one culture seemed to dominate European society, either directly or indirectly. Greece was the powerhouse of intellectual thought, discovery, science and more in the Classical times. When the Romans finally conquered Europe [and Greece], the Middle East and North Africa, converting the Mediterranean Sea into a Roman lake, the Greek culture was the dominant one resulting in Ancient Rome's famous Poet Horace saying "Greece has conquered her rude conqueror".

When the Roman empire broke into two parts, it was the eastern part - the Eastern Roman Empire [later to become known as the Byzantine Empire] which survived for over 1100 years and the Greek language and culture permeated throughout the eastern Mediterranean. Even with that empire collapsing in 1453AD, Greek culture then took over the rest of Europe, as the Dark Ages gave way to the Renaissance where Greek thought, science etc took hold.

But Greece - as a country and a people - has been a backwater nation, which has lived on its past glories. As one of the poorer and smaller countries of Europe, it's modern day influence has been minimal.

By now, you are probably wondering what or where I am heading.

Well, I find it strange how all of a sudden, a new "Greek era" is suddenly emerging. Not in politics, philosophy or science. But in the social and cultural "ethos" of the people. Its a seed at present, but it makes me wonder whether this "seed" will evolve into a small plant and later into a tall oak [excuse the analogy].

In 2004, Greece won for the first time, the European Soccer cup coming from being a total outsider and defeating the powerhouses of Europe. This was then followed by the most successful Olympic Games in history, despite all the stops-and-starts and the fears of terrorism, not to speak of many simply believing they would never pull it off.

In 2005, they then proceeded to win the Eurovision Song Contest with the song "My Number One" through clever touring and promoting themselves prior to the event. And now, once again despite being the outsiders, they have won the European Basketball defeating the Germans.

What will happen in 2006? Another couple victories?

If you look beyond the sporting and cultural scene, the Greeks of today are also becoming the financial powerhouse of the southeastern part of Europe. Many of the Greek banks are now major shareholders [or owners] in most of the SE European banks [eg Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania, Romania, Serbia etc] through acquisitions and partnerships. Investment by Greek companies [both government owned and private] in the southeastern European nations is now so high, that Greece is the major economic powerhouse for the region. And through this, also the political power of the region.

Is the 21st Century seeing the dawning of a new era for Greece? One where socially and culturally it is re-raising its head and saying "we are here, so beware", whilst economically it is becoming the power of SE Europe - a mini-USA so to speak?

Or have the Gods of Mount Olympus simply got tired of their hollidays away, and now returned home. Has Zeus and Hera and their ten children looked down on their beloved country and despaired at what their favoured people have become during their absence? And now, with a favoured wind here, and push there, gently prodding them to regain some of their ancient glory?

Time will tell, but if any of you do go to Greece for a holiday, look up at Mount Olympus and see if the fires are lit once again :-) And please let me know.

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At Monday, September 26, 2005 8:53:00 am, Blogger GreekGoddess said...

As a GreekGoddess (yeah right..whatever LOL) the last two years I have been beyond proud for my country. It's been 3 years since I moved to USA and I really miss it. And damnit all the good things happened when I left...maybe the Gods wanna tell me something?? LOL.

I dont know how or why .. I just know that greeks had always have a weird sense of pride and "soul" that nobody else ever understood. Thanks for visiting my blog.. great post !!!

At Monday, September 26, 2005 9:11:00 am, Blogger hotsirenita said...

I really love your post. :)
It's nice to see someone foreign say those things. :)
I really cannot think of anything else that could follow, but i couldn't see these victories coming either. In a weird way they do put hope in our hearts..
As for Mt. Olympus, i intend to climb on it at some point, so i'll sure let you know. ;)

At Monday, September 26, 2005 10:47:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely fantastic first post!!


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