Saturday, September 24, 2005


Over the weekend, I had some of my younger friends over for dinner and drinks - something that I used to do on a regular basis. The dinner table discussion was interesting to say the least, but once the subject got onto sex, I realised how stupid some people can be.

Don't get me wrong, I am no prude or nerd, but there are some things that one does that are "non negotiable". I was shocked that some of them actually practice unsafe sex with guys they pick up. Now, being in a long term relationship [and this I classify as three months or more], I can understand going from safe to unsafe if one has been tested and both partners are loyal. But to go out on the scene, pick up a stranger, go home with them and have unsafe sex is pure stupidity in my books.

There is no excuse for not wearing a condom - every nightclub I have been to have jars full of them and are FREE. If you forget to get some from the nightclub, service stations are open 24 hours a day so buy some! Because the "trade" for the night doesn't ask for a condom is no excuse not to wear or insist on one. If it is not on, it is not going in so to speak. And alcohol is no excuse either nor is the argument that one has seen the person out for "ages" and never picks up. Well sorry - but when one only sees the person on a Friday and Saturday night out on the scene - that's only 10-12 hours of an entire week. Who knows what they do when they leave the nightclub or during the week?

Unsafe sex is like Russian Roulette. Ok, you might not get the HIV virus but there are a myriad of other diseases one can catch, some of which are life threatening and some aren't. Examples are Hepatitis, Herpes, Crabs and more. One might be lucky and have unsafe sex with a stranger who is "clean" and then again they may be disease ridden.

Is a couple of hours of pleasure really worth risking one's life? Or is there such a lack of respect for one's own body and life? Further, what happens if you catch something and don't know, then you meet the "true love of your life" and infect them? How would one feel if they later discover that not only has one contracted something but also passed it on to their lover?

Are you willing to gamble not only your own life but that of your current or future partner? If you are stupid then go for it. But personally, I like all my friends and want to have you all around for a long long time. Funerals aren't my scene, sorry. Nor is Stupidity, so do yourselves a favour and "cover up"?



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