Sunday, September 25, 2005

Feeding The People

It is a well documented fact that the vast majority of people today are living below the poverty line. In most countries, people do not have access to health, education or even a decent meal. Don't take my word for it, just read your local newspaper, check out the various websites on the internet or simply call any one of those charity organisations that are seeking 'sponsors' for children.

And yet the saddest thing is, is that we could wipe out famine and bring these countries and people to a level of living similar to ours without increasing taxes or decreasing our own services.

Don't shake your head in disbelief. Seriously! Here's the evidence.

Did you know that the USA alone, if it diverted just one day's military spending - that is divert not increase - they could single handedly wipe out famine on the entire planet within a decade?

Yes, you read it right - WIPE OUT famine on the entire planet within a decade. And we are not talking about handouts of cash here either. We are talking about providing the funds to create the infrastructure to produce the food that will feed them. So the solution is not a temporary one but a permanent one. Imagine what would happen if all the rich countries did the same ... just allocated one day's military spending into helping the poor of this planet.

And the flow on from this would also bring changes in other areas.

Consider this. Most of the bloodshed today is in the Third World countries which are so poor it isn't funny. Why is it that there are no civil wars in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan, France or any other Second and First World countries? The answer is simple - the populations of these countries are content.

We have a population, which as a whole, have food on our tables, access to good medical facilities and jobs to go to so as to earn a living. In other words, we have the money to live our lives as we generally see fit. As a result of this, our political systems are stable. Would we consider a civil war to place someone in power who might upset our living standards and rights? No.

If we utilised our financial resources to help the poorer countries into the building of medical and education facilities, the agriculture sector and the commerce sector, would these people then wish to overthrow their government? Would there be bloodshed simply because some tyrant wants power? Would the defence forces support a would-be dictator knowing that the vast majority of the people are content with their lifestyle and current government? I personally don't think so.

Some of you may argue that by allocating one day's defence spending into helping the poorer nations, would result in more competitors for our own produce and services. Yes, it would and with that I won't disagree with you. However it will also open up more export opportunities for our own industries and our produce as well. And the end result is that we would not only wipe out famine in these countries, but share some of the wealth which we have attained in some cases by exploiting these poorer countries and their resources.

So why are we not doing it now? Interesting question that one. Maybe we need these poor countries to remain poor so as to sell our weapons. Maybe we are so self centered with our own needs that any money going overseas is seen as "wasteful". Or maybe we have leaders who only think from one election to the next, and that is why they are "politicians" not "statesmen".

Personally, I think any country that decided to do this would not only benefit from helping a poorer country, but that poor country would in turn see their helper as a friend. Who knows, they may even then go the next step and give that country preferential treatment with any export/import trade.

Just a thought.


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