Saturday, December 16, 2006

Christmas. Yikes!

Can’t believe it but Christmas is only 9 days away! Woke up this morning after a hectic night last night, only to find a message from my sister-in-law on my mobile, reminding me. Mind you, it also included a “hope you had a good night last night” and “for your nieces, can you please …..”.

Anyway, decided to get the Christmas shopping out of the way and headed off to the local shopping mall. Three hours later, I finally walked out with the two bikies and two Dora rocking chairs for my nieces. Not that it took me that long to find them. It was the damn queues and people with screaming uncontrollable children that took me so long.

I must have spent atleast an hour in the checkout queue! What made it worse was the fact that in front of me was a young couple with two kids, both screaming and crying because they couldn’t get their “must have” DVD of The Wiggles. And behind me was a couple arguing over how much they spent on his “useless parents”.

Finally got home, unloaded the stuff, and got myself a scotch and coke! God! That really felt good. And to top it off, sent a message to my sister-in-law saying “the stuff is bought. Just bring wrapping paper and wrap them” LOL Nah, I am not that mean. I will do them later, but for the time being, the scotch tastes wonderful and the airconditioning relaxing.

James signing off.

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