Monday, October 24, 2005


This won't be a big article, just a collection of thoughts about these wierd dreams I am having.

Since the beginning of last week, I have been having the most unusual dreams. Don't ask me why for I don't know, however each night the dream is different yet the same. In each one, the same four people are present - one a close friend, the other two are acquaintances [who I prefer not to know], with the fourth person being myself.

In each dream, the location is the same - a country town I have never been to. The conversations and surroundings are different, yet by the same token, the subject matter is always the same. In each of my dreams, it's always a warm summer day when my friend and I arrive, gets colder as the day progresses, and then reverts to being warm again prior to us leaving.

In my dreams, the meeting starts off with a lot of anger and hostility from the other two, nearly resulting into a fight, yet somehow diffuses itself. Not because of any interferance from outsiders, but through questions that I seem to raise. Issues that seem to have been harbouring amongst the four of us, which remain unresolved.

Why am I dreaming of this? Is my subconscious saying that I have issues that need resolving? Issues that need to be finalised before I progress to the next step? And why, all of a sudden, do I start to have these dreams over something that is long gone? An event that is no longer relevant? Or, is it relevant and I am simply pushing it aside? Why do I need to make the other two understand? Why is it so important?

Why, in each dream, do I have to justify why I do things? Why do I have to show their own inadequacies so as to justify my actions? Why, at the end of each dream, we leave knowing its the last time we will see them? And yet, our departure is also one of a new beginning? And for that matter, what is the new beginning?

I am so confused. I hate dreams at the best of times, but having dreams night in night out, with the same people, same discussions, same resolution, makes me wonder why.

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