Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Reborn Again

"Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Who is the fairest of them all?"

How many of us have read the fairytale when we were young? How many of us look into the bathroom mirror each day and somewhere in the back of our minds, does the thought "God! Is that me?" come up? How many of us take a good hard look at ourselves and think that it's time for a complete makeover?

Over the last three months I have been doing some spring cleaning with my clothes, and most of it has ended up in the garbage bin. Clothes that I had accumulated over time but rarely wore were simply filling up space in the wardrobe. What's left are my jeans, t-shirts and work clothes, items which I wear regularly. Everything else went into the bin.

Bit drastic one might say, but then one needs to discard things in life which are of no use any more. Whether they are clothes, personal items or even, in extreme cases, people one associates with.

Subconsciously I have been re-organising my own personal life and focusing on what I want to be and who I want to be. Part of this change has been brought on by a friend of mine whose opinions I value and trust. Together, we are both revamping our lives and our aims, and part of that is the remaking of our "public" image.

By this I mean how the people we see at work and socially will perceive us. For me, the change in clothing, attitude and imagine, are paramount. How others take it is of no real consequence as long as I feel comfortable with what I am creating for myself.

Will the changes be permanent or just short term? Can the changes themselves also give me a new perspective in life? And how will others perceive the changes themselves? Does it really matter what others think anyway? Will the changes take a life of their own and move me along?

Changing one's image in some ways, can take a life of their own and take one to a destination unknown. But then again, that in itself may not be a bad thing. Time will tell.


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