Monday, October 10, 2005

In The Name Of God

Okay, now that I have your attention please grab a drink and if you smoke, light up and read.

What the hell is wrong with people today? In fact what is wrong with our society? Ugh!!

I was born into a Greek Orthodox family which religiously [excuse the pun] went to church every opportunity we had. Having been raised in the country, church was something we went to when we visited the city. But, to church we went and my parents taught me that there is a god who loves his children. Further one should not do harm to another and accept people for who and what they are.

Now, years down the track I believe in a god but not necessarily in a Christian one. There is something out there that created this universe we live in, whether it is an almighty deity or whether it is simply nature - I don't know. What I do know is that whatever or whoever created this universe has plans of its own and humanity is one thing that would be only a miniscule cog in it's plans.

However, I continue to believe that each and every one of us have our own beliefs which I fully respect. For this reason I avoid discussing religion with people. You have your views and opinions, I have mine and the two do not cross. Yes, if the issue of religion is raised, I listen to their opinions and expect them to listen to mine, without judging either side.

But what really gets up my nose is those religious people who have the audacity to come knocking on my door at 9am in the morning trying to convert me! Hey - some logic people!! Have you thought of the fact that a lot of people do shift work and they may have only got home and crawled into bed, only to be disturbed by you? Or - and shock horror!! - have you considered the idea that if someone wants to change religions, they will do it themselves?

If your god thinks that I am not following the "right" religion, I am sure he would come down and tell me himself! Or at least send someone who is a bit more considerate than you lot.

Yes, most religions have the "spread the word" motto somewhere in the "holy" scriptures but I don't think the relevant "god" had the idea that his followers run around knocking on people's doors, disturbing them - and when told "not interested" - insisting on preaching!

I for one believe in a god of some sorts. I am more leaning towards "god" being nature and as a direct consequence - our selves. Thus we are all part of "god" and thus "god's" temples and churches are all around us. I believe that I am doing the right thing by respecting myself, respecting my body and respecting every one else. If I do the right thing, I really don't think that if there is a god out there who I don't believe in, is going to say "Tstst .. naughty naughty .. you did not believe in me therefore you can not enter Heaven/Nirvana or whatever".

Come to think of it, I think I have a better chance of entering Heaven/Nirvana/Whatever than those door-knocking pestering religious nuts!

There!! Had my dummy spit and now I am off to bed. So unless the next religious door knocker is cute and gay, the only comment they will get from me is the door slamming in their face!


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