Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The Bailey Charter

Ok, this is one of those articles which is for fun, but also gives you an insight on how I think and what I would like to see. Scary ... but, what the heck! No one takes me seriously anyway :-)

The Bailey Charter is sort of my wish-list for humanity, and where I would like to see us sometime in the near future. It is my blueprint for humanity, so to speak, and me being so un-selfish, if any government or international body wishes to adopt and implement it - feel free to do so. No payment required.

The Bailey Vision

In the interests of universal peace and harmony, the following changes are suggested by yours truly:

1. The United Nations.

The United Nations shall be relocated from New York to the island of Cyprus. A UN Territory should be created within Cyprus and be an independent entity governed by the UN itself. The purpose of the move is to bring the UN closer to the centre of the world's population. Cyprus is at the crossroads of Europe, Asia and Africa.

The United Nations should undertake a major structural revamping, including the Security Council. A Peoples Congress will be established within the UN with its members directly elected by the citizens of each member country.

The UN shall have it's own defence force for the protection of the UN Territory and associated administrative regions. Further, any UN forces sent to countries as peace-keeping, shall also be peace enforcing and have the right to not only defend themselves, but ensure that their UN charter is implemented. The UN shall take a more aggressive stance on the implementation of its rulings and decisions, even if the use of UN troops to enforce these is required.

2. Olympic Games

The Olympic Games will continue to be held at different locations around the world. However, every second summer Olympic Games shall be held at Olympia, Greece. Every second winter Olympic Games shall be held on the slopes of Mt Olympus in Greece. The establishment of the facilities at Olympia and Mt Olympus shall be jointly financed by all nations, and come under the control of the UN. Greece shall hand over an area of no smaller than 50 square kilometres around Olympia and Mt Olympus to the International Olympic Committee, which shall administer the area.

3. Human Survival

All nations shall allocate 1% of their GDP to the World Human Survival Fund which shall be responsible for the establishment and funding of infrastructure in the Third World. The WHSF shall establish industries and allocate resources to produce sufficient renewable resources to not only feed the poor nations, but allow for the development of medical and educational facilities.

4. Space Colonisation

The exploration and colonisation of space shall fall under the administration of the UN. Individual nations shall be allowed to undertake space exploration and colonisation, however administrative control shall rest with the UN.

5. World Resources

All governments shall aim towards a sustainable world economy. To achieve this, the renewable world resources shall be exploited, and industry shall be directed towards these rather the exploitation of non-renewable resources. Where nations are heavily dependent on non-renewable resources for their income, these nations shall be encouraged to slowly migrate to renewable resources through the WHSF and other world bodies.

The full Bailey Charter will be available online soon with more in-depth details on the UN, Olympics, world economy, space, human rights and more. So keep an eye out for it.

And as I said earlier, anyone wishing to implement it - feel free in doing so. No payment required at all ;-)


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