Sunday, January 08, 2006

Google's Announcement

I simply can not believe that some people are still not seeing where Google is heading. Google announced on Friday the launch of Google Pack and an expanded Google Video service, and yet people still are trying to work out on "what is Google up to?".

As per my previous posts on Google [here, here and here], Google is moving away from its primary role of a search engine. Their primary - or more specific, practically sole - income source todate has been advertising. Their foray into the partnership with AOL, their launching of various programs and services, are to allow Google to diverse its income source.

Let's look at Google Pack. It's nothing extraordinary, however it is a seed. Download Google Pack and you not only receive anti-virus and spam programs, but also other third party [and generally non-proprietory] programs, PLUS, a myriad of Google products. So, many are asking "why bother" and "what's it going to achieve for Google"?

Simply this. By people using Google Pack, it will have the following repurcusions. Firstly, people will become more "loyal" to Google as they will start to rely on Google to provide them with not only new products, but also automatic updates on the products they are using. Further, as Google Pack becomes more popular, Google will then have the ability to charge these third-party program providers for the ability to include their products in the Google Pack.

End result? Additional source of income for Google plus more customers.

As for the other announcement - Google Video. Nothing major here from the critics' perspective, except once again, they fail to see the direction Google is heading. Google's motto is "
is to build products that organize the world's information and make it accessible to our users". Nowhere has Google ever claimed that this is purely searching and organising only what's on the internet! By allowing third party providers - this time studios, TV stations etc - to add their content and [if they wish] charge for it, is allowing Google to not only expand Google Video in line with their motto, but also generate additional income.

Think about it. Why spend hours illegally downloading an episode of CSI when for a couple of dollars, you can have it in a matter of minutes? Why complain that because of traffic, you missed the latest NBA game when you can download it for a couple of dollars and watch it at your leisure? Further, making the downloads compatible with various media players, Google is opening up the industry. So whether you use Windows Media, Real Player, VLC or iPods, you can view your downloads.

Google is creating the environment where regardless of whether you use Windows, Linux or some other system, whether you use Windows Media or an iPod, Google's offerings will work. Further, its programs [via Google Pack] will provide the user - in other words, you - an easier internet experience, where your programs are kept uptodate by Google.

The one thing everyone seemed to miss at the CES show was Larry Page's comment ""Why can't I plug a TV into any outlet, whether it's Wi-Fi, Ethernet or whatever?", and why were products being released that were not compatible with other products and/or services?. These comments underly where Google is heading, and everyone seemed to have missed it.

I am still sticking to my predictions in my previous articles. We are in for interesting times.


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