Monday, November 28, 2005

World AIDS Day

Ok. Firstly let's squash any rumours before they start. I am not HIV Positive. The reason for this sudden "interest" in AIDS is due to the fact that two of my friends are HIV Positive and World AIDS Day is only a couple of days away. Further, with the sudden passing away of my mother through a heart attack, it made me realise how important my family and friends are to me, and how we should all cherish the moments we have with them. Anything we as individuals can do to keep our loved ones alive, is a worthwhile cause.

So on to the article itself.

AIDS has been rampant around the world now for over 20 years and more than 28million people worldwide have died from it so far. Contrary to popular belief, people do not die from AIDS. It is the side effects of AIDS and the HIV Virus that causes one's death. The HIV Virus reduces one's immune system to such an extent that when we fall ill [eg catch a cold], our immune system is unable to defend itself.

Despite the fact that AIDS has been around for such a long time, there is no vaccine or miracle cure to either prevent it or reverse its effects on the human body. Drugs do exist to prolong one's life, but that's all they do currently - prolong it. So the old saying "Prevention is better than cure" is the only solution to avoiding catching the HIV Virus.

Amongst some of my friends, and especially the younger generation, there is the belief that if one does the "penetrating" during intercourse, their chances of catching the HIV Virus is practically nonexistant. Or if they get circumcised, then their chances are also reduced astronomically. Another great "belief" is that if they don't cum inside someone, then that also reduces their chances. It is sad that they actually believe this as this creates a false sense of security.

The facts are that one can acquire the HIV Virus by having unprotected sex with someone who is infected, or sharing needles with an infected person, being given infected blood during a transfusion, allowing infected fluids to enter one's body through cuts or sores, and being born to a mother who is carrying the virus during child birth. One does not catch AIDS through day-to-day contact, like shaking hands, coughing, sneezing, kissing, touching, sharing crockery and cutlery, toilet seats, insect/animal bits, swimming pools or eating food prepared by someone with HIV.

So, what can you do to avoid catching AIDS? It's simple and commonsense.

Firstly, wear a condom at all times. If the other party objects, then you have two choices - don't wear one and pray to whatever god you believe in that you wont catch it, or simply get up, get dressed and walk out. And as you ponder that decision, think to yourself - "Is a couple of hours fun worth me dying?". Even if you are dating this person, before you even consider having unsafe sex, you should both have atleast 2 AIDS tests atleast 3 months apart, before going down that path. The other thing to bare in mind is that they might be a Virgin still, and yes there are a few out there, but that doesn't mean they don't have the AIDS virus in them. They may have contracted it through contaminated blood or passed on through their mother during childbirth, or may have used an unclean needle. So, COVER UP!

Secondly, if you use needles [which is actually another story], then don't share needles. Get yourself a clean unused one and if you are a regular or dependent user, you should always stock up anyways.

It is predicted that by the year 2010, there will be something like 45million people with AIDS in Africa, Asia, Russia and Latin America alone. That, by the way, is the "best case scenario". Reality may be that the figure could be as high as 72million.

Now I can hear you thinking "Well, I am not going to any of those countries". True, you may not be. But lets take a theortical situation here. Lets assume that you have unsafe sex with 5 people, and each of these 5 people have had unsafe sex with another 5, and they inturn have had unsafe sex with another 5. By you having unsafe sex with just 5 people, you have actually slept with 780 people [if my mathematics is correct]. All it would take is one person somewhere down the line to be HIV positive for it to filter through to you. I know for a fact that many of us out there have actually had unsafe sex with a lot more than 5 people!

So what can you, as an individual do?

Practise safe sex at all times and don't share needles with anyone. These are the things you can influence and if you love life enough, cover up and don't share.

Besides the above, we also need to find a cure. And this where we as individuals, can do something. Why not make a regular donation to AIDS Research in your local city or country. Even a couple of dollars a week can make a difference. Or, why not donate generously on World AIDS Day [December 1st]. Another option is to help out in research by taking part in such organisations like The World Community Grid which allows you to download a small program on your PC and runs in the background. Out of sight, out of mind so to speak, but helping the cause anyways.

And finally, when you hear someone talking about the "hot unsafe sex session" they had last night, give them a clip over the ear and tell them to cover up! Life is too short to be ruined through ignorance and stupidity.


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At Tuesday, November 29, 2005 1:34:00 pm, Blogger two star general said...

I liked what you wrote, but I think that you failed to show that people with HIV are victoms. Maybe they were stupid, but they deserve a bit more compassion beacause the punishment does not fit the crime. You write with a great educated mind, but you left out your heart. The message was good and solid though, so thank you.

At Tuesday, November 29, 2005 4:19:00 pm, Blogger James Bailey said...

Hi Two Star General.
Thank you for your comments, and yes, I agree with you - in the article I did leave out my heart. I was trying to highlight a growing problem without getting too emotional on the issue.
But, your thoughts are very valid, and will rectify that shortly with another article.


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