Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Me Me Me

Oh, I am so over it!

I am tired of the "Me Me Me" attitude of people where everything MUST revolve around them. Ok, I am guilty of that myself - as most of us are - but not to the extent of some people I know.

Take for example one of my work colleagues. Brad is a lovely guy and fun to be around. An ex-Sydneysider, he moved to Adelaide to get away from his ex-wife and rebuild his life. Now we are not close friends nor do we work in the same area, but I got to know him when he came to my section to relieve a fellow worker for a day.

Now, my employer will pay for us to go out for dinner if we achieve our targets. About two weeks ago we were given a cash incentive for our team to go and enjoy ourselves, so we - as a team - decided to go out. What I fail to understand is this. Brad was in our team for one day only and the incentive we received was for our permanent team and our results for the last three months. So why would Brad even think that he would be invited? Don't get me wrong - he worked in our area for one day - but he is not part of our team.

But obviously Brad had a different perspective. The carry on and the sulks were - well - very childish to the point that one of my other fellow workers turned around and said to him to grow up! And to drive the point home, asked Brad if at his team function did they invite any of the others that had been there relieving [to which he said "no"].

Closer to home, a good friend of mine also has this "me me me" attitude. Ok, we are close and we see each other 3-4 times a week. But that does not mean that if I get invited to a party or whatever, he automatically gets invited as well. If he was my other half then fair enough, but he isn't. If he was friends with the people then he would get his own invitation. Or, if my invite said "and friend", then I would probably invite him along [depending on his work schedule].

But the invite to the 21st birthday party that I am going to is from a person with whom he is not friends, nor did my invite say "and friend". So why the hell does he get pissed off that [a] he was not invited and [b] I am not asking him along? Am I missing something here? It is not through a misunderstanding or anything, because he knows he doesn't know the person. Sorry - but I would not expect to be invited to a party if I didn't know the person [ESP is not that well developed in human beings to be able to say "oh - better invite that stranger because a friend of his is coming and he is going to be pissed off"].

I am mature enough to know that people have friends, but that does not mean that my friends are automatically friends of my other friends. Nor do I presume that I will be invited to EVERY party that is held, whether friends of mine or not [even though that would be nice].

So to everyone [and that includes me], before you start the "me, me, me" attitude - think about the issue and consider the "why" in the issue. If there is an issue, then take it up with the person concerned - not your work colleague or friend - but the person organising it.

There, had my dummy spit. I am off to work!

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