Saturday, November 26, 2005

Catholic Church And Gays

So the Pope does not want gay clergy in the Catholic Church? I wonder if the Pope and his policy making clergy have seriously considered the repurcussions of not having gay clergy in the Catholic Church? Or is this just one way of further ostracising the general community from the so-called teachings of Christ?

The Catholic Church, which for some obscure reason, doesn't allow women to be priests, thus isolating half the world population. Now, to overcome the paedophilia issues within the Church, they are victimising their clergy who happen to be gay. As if this is going to stop the rot that is within the Catholic Church! Every study conducted so far shows that the vast majority of paedophiles are heterosexual males, not homosexual. So banning gay men from being clergy within the Catholic Church is going to achieve nothing more than alienating more people from the church.

Then again, there is an old prophecy that states that before the collapse of the Catholic Church, an anti-christ Pope will be elected. Maybe the current Pope is it?

Enough said.

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