Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Why Don't I Dream?

Christmas Day has come and gone, and unlike all my previous years this one was a sombre one. With my mum having passed away suddenly six weeks ago, the gathering of the family was more of a "Sunday lunch" rather than a Christmas festivity. None of us had expected anything different other than the way it had turned out.

Yet what stuck in my mind was the conversation we had. Over lunch and later at the cemetery, dad made the comment that he dreamt of mum every night since she passed away. About the conversations they have, the advise she has been giving, and believe it or not, where the paperwork is that we have been looking for but have been unable to find. These conversations are a nightly event for dad.

My brother sees her every couple of nights, sometimes asking him if he wants a coffee, or just idle chit chat. Even my sister in law, who in many ways had become one of mum's closest friends, dreams of her on a regular basis. In the dreams, they still do their "tug of war" over the grandchildren and their meals, just like they did in a playful way in real life.

Yet, to date, I have not dreamt of mum at all. Even though I dream on a regular basis, not once has she appeared in my dreams either to tell me off or simply to say "hi". When the others asked me if I dreamt of mum and I replied "no", no one believed me even though its the truth. And that saddens me, for why is it that the others see her in their dreams yet I don't?

Is it because I didn't love her enough? Or that she didn't love me? Is it simply that I have subconsciously blocked her and her memory out of my mind to avoid bringing up the feelings of loss? Further, why is it that since the actual funeral five weeks ago, have I not cried whereas the others seem to have tears well up simply by mentioning her?

I don't consider myself to be a heartless person. If anything I am quite the opposite.

So the question is - why don't I dream of her? I don't think I ask for much, just one night for her to come into my dreams, just like she does with everyone else.


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At Tuesday, December 27, 2005 9:34:00 pm, Blogger Anilikos said...

There are poeple that are more susceptible to contacts with the "other" world and some that are not. There are people that live their grief in a certain way and others in a completely different manner.

Pull yourself together and ask yourself a simple question. Is it possible(!) that your mother didn't love you as much as the others?! Is it possible that you didn't love her as strongly and deeply as the others?!

I don't believe that it's anything like that at all.
If you cut a finger it bleeds and hurts the same way as any other. The love that you received may be different, than that of your brothers and sisters and your father, but it was still love.

Grieving is a process that every individual needs its own time to get it over.

At Wednesday, December 28, 2005 2:24:00 pm, Blogger Louis Casinelli said...

You are probably not dealing with it yet. Not in a complete way that allows you to cry more over it or dream about it. I think you are simply not accepting it YET. But you will. When is up to you and no one has any right to tell you that time or judge you for it one way or the other. Best wishes James and Merry Xmas. You can dream about me if you want. LOL

At Thursday, December 29, 2005 7:15:00 am, Blogger James Bailey said...

Thanks guys. I know where you are coming from, but still, can't help wondering :-(

And .. ok .. will try dreaming of both of you ... I need some mental stimulation this season rofl

Have a Happy New Year


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