Sunday, December 04, 2005

Brad is Hot!

I don't often write about friends and partners in my articles, not specifically about them anyway. Generally they are included in the articles because of what's happening in my life or me raising a particular issue. Sometimes, on rare occasions, they will ask "Is this article about me?" to which I would reply "sort of but not specifically". Not because I don't want to include them, but because I respect their privacy.

So it came as a shock when someone I know asked if I would write an article about them. When I gave them a "no, I don't do articles specifically on friends", I expected a simple "ok, not a problem". Boy, was I wrong! The sms' from him included "wont speak to you again", "you are not getting a
hug from me", etc etc. You name it, the blackmail sms' were such that I thought to myself - well, if he is so persistant, then why not.

So Brad, this is for you. And don't blame me afterwards because I am not withdrawing it LOL. As the old saying goes "be careful on what you wish for".

As my friends can vouch, I know people who range in age from 18 right through to 60 plus and try to treat everyone the same regardless of who or what they do in life. Some are ex-prostitutes, others are lawyers, all are decent human beings with all their faults and good points. Many I have met through the chatrooms over the last few years, who progressed from online friends to real-life friends.

A couple of years ago, I had a [bad] habit of giving online strangers my MSN Messenger nic without thinking of the repurcussions or outcomes, till earlier this year I had over 200 contacts on my list. Of these, only a dozen were people that I actually spoke to or knew, with the rest being
people who I added, spoke to maybe once or twice, and then nothing more. So, in one of those moods, I went through my list earlier this year and culled them all off my Messenger, keeping only my friends. Don't speak to the rest, why clutter my Messenger, was my philosophy at the time.

Back to Brad [otherwise I will never hear the end of it] :-)

Earlier this year, I got a messenge which basically said "You are on my list, but I don't know who you are. ASL". [ASL being Age, Sex Location]. I looked at the email address but didn't register who it was, and despite my rule of never responding to any message that starts of with "ASL", I replied back.

Imagine my shock when he sent me photos of himself. I looked at them and re-looked at them, went got myself a coffee, came back and had another look. And the one thing that kept going through my mind was "Where the hell was he hiding? How come I had him on my MSN and we never met?". No offence, I know a lot of cute guys, but Brad blew me away! I couldn't believe that someone like that simply
slipped through my fingers, in a manner of speaking.

At the time of our "re-contact", he was seeing someone which automatically put him out of bounds. I don't believe in chasing someone who is already dating. Don't like it happening to me, so don't like doing it to them.

As the year progressed, Brad became single again, and we progressed from Internet friends to eventually talking on the phone. The more I talked to him, the more I liked him to the point that I can so easily fall for him. Over time, I have fallen for him to the extent that I can't wait to be with him. Sad hey?

The only concern is that Brad is one of those guys who is really good looking, nice personality, wicked sense of humour, that any guy or girl could easily fall for him. In short, he is HOT! if you know what I mean.

To give you an idea, at 5'9" tall, athletic build, blonde hair, green eyes and kissable lips, he would drive anyone crazy! Plus, although gay, he still has that musculine butch voice that makes him a Man's Man, if you know what I mean.

To show you how cute he is, there is a photo posted below. I won't show you his face simply to save myself having to compete with anyone else. Selfish I know LOL
Is there a shortcoming in Brad? Well, unfortunately there is. It's nothing personal or anything I would change. But, its his style of music. We are like chalk and cheese in that respect but hey! Target sells earplugs by the packs of 100. And they aren't that expensive either. :-)

Anyways, I think I have said enough. It will be an experience to spend some quality time with him soon when we catch up.

Maybe it will be good and will allow our relationship to go one step further. Maybe it won't be, but one never knows. But if it does, we both have agreed that this time next year, he is moving back to Adelaide and in with me.

So, am going to take up the suggestion a friend of mine keeps telling me - if you don't make the effort, you will never know what the outcome is.

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At Tuesday, December 06, 2005 9:46:00 am, Blogger Anilikos said...

Kazantzakis, a famous Greek writer said that : If you you don't risk in life, you don't realize you are actually living..


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