Thursday, March 30, 2006

Politicians and their 19th Century views

Oh, when will our politicians ever learn? When will they drag themselves out of the 19th Century and come into the 21st Century like most of the community? When will they open their eyes and realise that what they believe in does not necessarily reflect the wishes of the people, and further more, they don’t have the right to impose their will on us?

The reason I raise these issues is over recent comments by our Australian Federal Government regarding civil unions.

The Australian Capital Territory [ACT] in which our nation’s capital is located, have decided to hold a vote on what the locals want to do regarding gay/lesbian relationships. Their intent is to ask the voters of the ACT as to whether to allow gay and lesbian couples to register their relationships in civil unions.

To read more, visit my new blog here

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Sunday, March 26, 2006

Blame everyone else except ...

As you may or may not have read, a woman in the US is complaining about Firefox causing her 5 year relationship to break up. I read the news reports with a bit of disbelief.

How can someone blame a internet browser for ruining her relationship?

Her claim that she discovered that her boyfriend was surfing adult sites because Firefox kept a log of sites [and has a good password facility], is to my way of thinking, utterly ridiculous. Personally, if I was dating someone and discovered that they were being unfaithful, I would not blame the “provider of the evidence”.

To read the rest, visit

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Wednesday, March 22, 2006

A United Nations of Religions

I read an interesting article on the BBC website today entitled ” Rabbi calls for ‘UN of religions’“. At present, the International Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace are holding a three day conference in Spain. The Congress is comprised of both Jewish and Muslim clerical leaders, and this in its own right, is something that most of us don’t generally hear about.

Our perception through the media is that Jews and Muslims, especially from a religious aspect, don’t see eye-to-eye. Yet here is a group of religious leaders willing to meet and discuss issues not only from a religious perspective, but also a global and political one. From the news report, it appears that these Jewish and Muslim religious leaders are quite capable of putting their religious beliefs aside, and try to come up with viable solutions to problems.

To read more of this article, please visit

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Saturday, March 18, 2006

Google Victory or Trojan Horse?

The highly publicised tussle between the US Department of Justice and Google, has finally hit the courts with what appears to be a victory for Google.

The Justice Dept wanted Google to hand over search results for two months plus a million web addresses. Unlike AOL, Microsoft and Yahoo who complied with the Justice Dept’s requests, Google stood their ground and objected. Once in court, the Justice Dept’s request whittled down to only 50,000 web addresses and 5,000 search queries.

To read more, visit

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Friday, March 17, 2006

Keeping One's Word

I sometimes wander what people are thinking when they make commitments or promises to people. Whether they intend to keep them or whether they make them simply because it suits them at that particular moment.

I was always brought up with the belief that if I gave my word to someone, I would attempt to honour it to the best of my abilities, and if I couldn’t, I would advise the person before breaking it. This belief applied to not only minor things like “doing coffee” but also to major events. Maybe its because my parents always taught me that “my word is my honour” and if I got in the habit of not keeping my word, then people would come to the conclusion that I was unreliable and untrustworthy.

More at my new blog at

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Saturday, March 11, 2006

Much Ado About Nothing

I have returned from my holidays to find very little has changed back home. Work was still there as was the continual daily dredge of customers who seem to think that the world owes them something. As some of you may know, I work in the telecommunications industry and deal with customers on a daily basis over the telephone. Some are really nice people, a pleasure to deal with and appreciate the fact that we are there to assist whether its a fault with their mobile or a simple billing enquiry.

Yet some, I simply shake me head in disbelief over their attitude and expectations. I wonder how some people actually manage to remember to breathe so as to stay alive sometimes, and how the smallest of things seems to send them into a tailspin.

visit my new blog at for more on the above article.

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