Tuesday, February 14, 2006

US and Israel Don't Want Peace In The Middle East

What the hell is the USA and Israel playing at with Palestine? For years they have been complaining that they wanted a democratically elected government for the Palestinians, and now that the Palestinian people have elected one, they intend overthrowing it?

Has the USA and Israel lost the plot?

Don’t get me wrong, I am neither pro Israeli nor pro Palestinian, as both sides have their good points and their bad ones. Both have committed actions which the world has condemned, so neither can claim that they are the “innocent party” in the mess that is the Middle East.

Read more at my new blog ... www.jebadel.com/blog

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Sunday, February 12, 2006

Sex Is Good For YOu

Well. That does it. I am cancelling my gym membership, rescheduling my social gatherings for the next couple of weeks, and going out to get myself some sex! Infact, am going to look for lots of sex.


Because Sex is good for you, that’s why.

Read more on this article at my new blog.

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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Jerusalem - A Solution To Middle East Conflicts

One of the 20th and 21st century's most volatile regions is the Middle East, and the Jewish-Arabic conflict is one that practically every day of the year, is in the headlines around the world. Attempts to bring peace has been hampered in the past by various sides both locally from within the Middle East, and internationally, either because of vested interests or retaliation for past events.

And yet, a solution is possible if only all sides step back, take a realistic look at the overall situation and seriously look at ways to bring peace in the region. We all need to realise that Israel will not disappear nor will the Palestinian issue. Both races claim the same territory, yet realise that only a full on bloodbath will see any change happen that would come near to bringing about their "ultimate objective". And that, a full on war, is the last thing anyone wants, not only because of the carnage that would emerge within the Middle East, but also because of the fact that other non-Middle East countries will be drawn into it as well.

In short, the Middle East situation is a powder keg to a possible Third World War.

Read the remainder of the article at my new blog.

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Monday, February 06, 2006

Cameroon Outing

The African country Cameroon has in the last couple of weeks been rocked by allegations that 50 high profile politicians, singers and business people [amongst others] are gay. The newspapers L’Anecdote and La Meteo published the list after the Roman Catholic Bishop Victor Tonye Bakot denounced homosexuality in his Christmas speech. With homosexuality being illegal in not only Cameroon but most of Africa, the outing of these so-called high profile people, is not surprising even if it is a stupid move by the press.

The accusations and denials have been flying thick and fast between the press and the alleged victims, one has to wonder where this will end. The newspapers claim to have evidence to prove that the people they outed are gay, while the victims claim that they aren’t gay. The whole situation raises the interesting question - why did the newspapers publish the list, and what are their real motives behind it?

Read more at my new blog

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